Host Lab

Ania Eugui Anta was born in Pamplona (Spain). She graduated in Chemistry and also trained as a laboratory technician. She completed a master's degree in Neuroscience and another one in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics at the University of Barcelona. She has been awarded with several competitive scholarships that have given her the privilege to participate as a student in Spain and several countries abroad. During this time, she has taken part in several research projects, ranging from the study of the molecular bases and pathophysiological mechanisms of Schizophrenia, to the evaluation of newly synthesised multitarget drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. These short experiences have allowed her to shape her career path and become even more fascinated by the research field that is focused on the action mechanisms of the so-called “life molecules”, and how unravelling their mechanism of action might be helpful in the design of new molecules. With these molecules allowing the possible therapeutic activity in the treatment of many types of diseases.
Most recently she has obtained a Marie Curie grant for a position as an Early Stage Researcher within the TRIM-NET consortium at the Centre of Gene Regulation and Expression of the University of Dundee under the supervision of professor Ronal T Hay.